Ajith Kumar's wife, Shalini Ajith Kumar, delighted fans on Friday (January 3) with a cute family picture from their daughter Anoushka's 17th birthday celebrations. Shalini took to her Instagram handle to share a post showing the family gathered for the special occasion, with Anoushka about to cut the birthday cake. The Tamil superstar looked handsome in a black-and-white suit, twinning with his son Aadvik. Birthday girl Anoushka looked lovely in a pastel-coloured dress, while her mom wore a white shirt with black stripes paired with black trousers. In another post, the God Bad Ugly actor posed for an adorable picture with his wife, Shalini. Ajith Kumar is currently gearing up for the release of his action film, Vidaamuyarch, directed by Magizh Thirumeni. ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ Release Date Pushed: Ajith Kumar’s Action-Thriller to NOT Arrive in Theatres on Pongal 2025 Due to THIS Reason (View Post).

Ajith Kumar Joins His Family for Daughter Anoushka’s Birthday Celebrations

Ajith Kumar With His Wife Shalini

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