South superstar Mohanlal took to social media, and confirmed that the trailer of his upcoming Malayalam action drama Aaraattu to be revealed on February 4 at 5 pm. Helmed by B. Unnikrishnan, the synopsis of the movie reads, "Goparajan / Gopan, a native of Neyyattinkara and a real estate tycoon buys a large piece of land in Chittur for a construction purpose, but on his arrival he learns that the residents are forcefully and unlawfully evicted from their properties by an Andhra based real estate mafia using illegal land acquisition rules with support from the local authorities and government officials."
Check Out The Tweet Below:
The Official Trailer of Aaraattu releasing on 4th February, 2022 at 05:00 pm !
Stay tuned!#AaraattuTrailer
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) February 2, 2022
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