Marathi actress Pooja Sawant recently exchanged vows with Siddesh Chavan, their wedding ceremony making waves on social media as photos circulated widely. Pooja shared glimpses of the event on her official Instagram, showcasing moments from the traditional Marathi-style wedding where family and friends showered the couple with rose petals. Pooja looked resplendent in a yellowish-orange silk saree paired with a magenta blouse adorned with traditional jewellery and glam makeup, while Siddesh opted for a white embroidered sherwani and dhoti pants, accessorising with a turban and Kundan neckpiece. Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant Pre-Wedding Festivities: Rihanna's Fans Excited as Singer Arrives in Jamnagar for Live Performance at The Couple’s Marriage Celebrations.

Pooja Sawant Ties Knot With Siddesh Chavan


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