A video from Pune has surfaced online where two young girls could be seen under the influence of drugs. Marathi actor-director Ramesh Pardesi, who captured the footage, expressed deep concern about the increasing drug use among the youth. In the video, Pardesi mentioned encountering the girls while jogging on Vetal Hill, where he noticed liquor and other intoxicants nearby. Worried about their well-being, he assisted in relocating them to a safer location. The video also features the actor-director raising questions about parental awareness regarding their young children's activities. The video shared by Pardesi served as a wake-up call to safeguard the lives of young college going students. Leopard Attack Caught on Camera: Big Cat Attacks Sleeping Dog, Carries it Away in Pune's Ambegaon; Disturbing Video Surfaces.
Check Out Ramesh Pardesi’s Video Here:
नशेच्या अवस्थेत टेकडी वर सापडलेल्या त्या 2 मुलींचे पुढे काय झालं.. live अनुभव सांगत आहेत खुद्द rameshpardeshi उर्फ पिट्या दादा..
धन्यवाद या कार्याबद्दल सर#pune #viralgirls #nasha #punecity #punekar#11pmWords pic.twitter.com/uvtcHxJjXl
— 💪🔥कट्टर हिंदु ❤️👑 (@Mayazayo) February 25, 2024
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