No one can escape the charm of Shah Rukh Khan, not even Dua Lipa herself. Dua Lipa's connection with India and Shah Rukh Khan dates back to 2019 when she met the actor during her visit to the OnePlus Music Festival. She said she loved Shah Rukh Khan and also praised a fan-made mashup of her track Levitating with Shah Rukh Khan's song Wo Ladki Jo from Baadshah. Fast forward to 2024, Dua is in India for a concert in Mumbai on November 30 for the Zomato Feeding India concert, and something unimaginable happened. The singer was seen performing the same fan-made mashup of Levitating x Wo Ladki Jo. Well, is it her way of surrendering her love to Shah Rukh Khan? If so, then she is winning hearts. Dua Lipa 2024 Concert: ‘Houdini’ Singer To Perform at MMRDA Grounds in Bandra Kurla Complex; Mumbai Police Issues Traffic Restrictions Ahead of the Show.
Dua Lipa’s Mumbai Show Sparkles With a Fan-Made Mashup of ‘Levitating’ and Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Wo Ladki Jo’
Levitating x Woh Ladki
— Samarth (@iamstake) November 30, 2024
‘Levitating X Woh Ladki Jo’ Mashup
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