Putting all speculations to rest, Gujarati actors Puja Joshi and Malhar Thakar have officially announced their journey together through a heartfelt post on social media. Sharing a collaborative post on Instagram on Wednesday (November 6), the couple ended all speculations regarding their relationship and shared a loved-up picture from their intimate engagement ceremony. The picture featured the couple-to-be dressed in traditional outfits as they happily posed for a picture together. The post was captioned, "Putting all the rumours to rest! From REEL TO REAL. With your love & blessings, we are starting the journey of our new chapter! Countdown begins!" They also added a hashtag which read, "#NotaFilmAnnouncement". Puja and Malhar last featured together on screen in the Gujarati film Lagan Special. Malayalam TV Actors Divya Sreedhar and Kriss Venugopal Tie the Knot in Intimate Wedding Ceremony at Guruvayur Temple in Kerala (Watch Video).
Gujarati Actors Puja Joshi and Malhar Thakar Get Engaged in an Intimate Ceremony
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