Actor Govinda's wife, Sunita Ahuja, recently disclosed that she has been offered the reality show Bigg Boss over the past four years, but she has turned them down each time. She also added being approached for the OTT version of the show hosted by Anil Kapoor. In a candid interview on the Timeout With Ankit podcast, Sunita said, “They came to me twice for that, and I told them, ‘Are you mad? You think I clean toilets?’ You ask me this question, but tell me, would you ask Shah Rukh Khan’s wife the same thing? Do you think we’re struggling financially? I don’t even watch Bigg Boss." That's not it, as she also added that producers also offered Bigg Boss to her daughter, Tina. To which she denied it and told them, “If you want me on the show, let’s discuss hosting alongside Salman Khan.” Govinda’s Wife Sunita Ahuja Recalls Shocking Stalking Incident, Reveals How Fangirl Stayed at Their House for 20 Days Disguised as a Maid!

Watch Sunita Ahuja's Interview Below:

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