Kapil Sharma recently landed in trouble after the latest episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show went on air. Netizens criticised the comedian for an alleged racist joke that he made about Baby John producer Atlee during the episode. However, after things got out of hand, Kapil Sharma reacted to the same and offered a clarification on X (previously Twitter). Re-sharing a video posted by a user, the comedian asked him to point out where he spoke about Atlee's looks. In the same post, he also requested users to "stop spreading hate on social media" with such baseless allegations. However, in his latest post, netizens once again slammed Kapil Sharma, this time for defending his actions. One user wrote, "What else do you mean by 'where is Atlee?'" while another commented, "Is it not kind of racist ?".  ‘Pls Don’t Spread Hate on Social Media’: Kapil Sharma Reacts to Controversy Over Alleged Racist Remarks on Atlee, Requests Users To Cross-Check Content Before Reacting.

Netizens React to Kapil Sharma’s Clarification on the Atlee Comment

A User Wrote -

Was This Subtle Yet Evident Racism?

Perhaps the Question Was Framed Incorrectly


Another User Wrote -

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