The news of actor-comedian Sunil Pal's kidnapping is still trending on social media, and amidst this, there's another shocking news coming up. Bollywood actor Mushtaq Khan was kidnapped on November 20, and a case was filed by the Bijnor police against the kidnappers. According to the FIR details, the Welcome actor was kidnapped from a can on the Delhi-Meerut Highway. The actor was at Meerut to attend a program when the shocking incident happened. A case has been registered on the complaint of Mushtaq Khan's event manager, Shivam Yadav. Comedian Sunil Pal Found Safe After Being Reported Missing in Mumbai, Wife Sarita Sunil Pal Reveals He Spoke to Police.
Bollywood Actor Mushtaq Khan Kidnapped
Mushtaq Khan's shocking kidnapping in Bijnor has led to an FIR being registered at the Bijnor Kotwali Police Station.
#MushtaqKhan #Bijnor #KidnappingCase #FIR #BijnorKotwali #BreakingNews #ActorNews #CrimeAlert #LatestUpdate #sbbxtra
— SBB-Aajtak (@ATSBB) December 10, 2024
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