Akshay Kumar is currently filming his upcoming project, Bhooth Bangla, in Jaipur, and actress Wamiqa Gabbi has also joined the shoot. On Thursday (January 9), Wamiqa posted a mysterious video on Instagram, where she covered part of her face, playfully writing in the caption, "They don’t want me to reveal my look." The said BTS picture has taken the internet by storm. Reportedly, the Jaipur schedule of Priyadarshan directorial will feature several outdoor scenes showcasing the city’s vibrant culture. Bhooth Bangla promises a unique combination of horror and comedy, with Rajpal Yadav and Paresh Rawal also starring in key roles. ‘Bhooth Bangla’: Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan Gear Up for Jaipur Schedule of Their Upcoming Horror-Comedy Film.
Wamiqa Gabbi Shoots For Akshay Kumar's 'Bhooth Bangla' in Jaipur
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