Actor Vikrant Massey recently celebrated a significant moment in his life. His wife, Sheetal Thakur, welcomed their first child, a son named Vardaan, last month. The couple joyfully shared this news on social media. Now, Vikrant proudly displays his son's name and birth date tattooed on his arm, which he shared on Instagram. The tattoo reads 'Vardaan' alongside the date, ‘7th February 2024’. Sharing the photo on his Instagram post, the 36-year-old actor captioned, 'Addition or addiction, I love both,' accompanied by a heart emoji in his Instagram stories. It’s a Boy! Vikrant Massey and Wife Sheetal Thakur Welcome Their First Child!

Vikrant Massey Tattoos Son Vardaan's Name On His Arm

Vikrant Massey's Instagram Story

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