Amid Anant Ambani's lively pre-wedding festivities, Bollywood's cherished pair, Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif have once again won over the hearts of their fans with a display of affection. The charming duo, seen in matching beige outfits, shared images that exuded charm and warmth, quickly becoming the talk of the town. Today, March 3, Katrina Kaif posted these delightful images to her social media. The initial photo shows the couple in an adorable embrace, while the second captures the endearing moment between Katrina and Vicky. We can't deny that the couple looks 'so in love' even after two years of marriage. Sam Bahadur: Katrina Kaif Generously Reviews Vicky Kaushal's Act in Meghna Gulzar's Biopic, Calls It 'A Performance to Be Remembered'!

Katrina Kaif's Instagram Post


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