Veteran actor Rakesh Bedi fell victim to an imposter impersonating an Army officer named Aditya Kumar, resulting in a loss of Rs 85,000. According to The Times Of India reports, the scammer reached out to Bedi regarding his Pune flat listed for sale online. During a phone call on December 25, the impostor requested images of the property. In an attempt to gain trust, the scammer sent Bedi fabricated images of army identification cards and additional documents, including a photo of himself in Army attire. Believing the scammer's feigned interest in purchasing the property, Bedi proceeded to transfer money via Google Pay. Upon realising the deception, Bedi promptly reported the incident to the police. Grey DeLisle Gets Scammed of ‘650 Dollars’ for AI Art; Daphne Blake Voice-Over Star Requests Artist to Return Her Money.

Veteran Actor Rakesh Bedi Scammed:

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