Bollywood playback singer Udit Narayan’s apartment building in Mumbai caught fire on the night of January 6, 2025. The incident left Udit Narayan’s neighbour Rahul Mishra, 75, dead and his relative Raunak Mishra, 38, injured. The building, Skypan Apartments in Oberoi Complex located at Shastri Nagar, Andheri West went up in flames around 10 PM on Monday night. According to ANI, the senior citizen was rushed to the Kokilaben Hospital but was declared brought dead by doctors. Raunak Mishra, the deceased man’s relative is being treated in the hospital. According to India Today, Udit Narayan is fine, after he endured what he called “a difficult night”. Mumbai: Fire Breaks out in a Building Located in Andheri West.
Udit Narayan’s Skypan Apartments in Mumbai Catches Fire - Watch Video
Fire at Skypan Apartments, SAB TV lane, Andheri West.
Shot by a friend from her window.
It's high time Andheri West gets a Fire Station.
Veera Desai Road has so much space. A well equipped center can easily be set up if there's political will.@AndheriLOCA
— AnuP 🇮🇳📽 (@anupsjaiswal) January 6, 2025
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