Bollywood actress Nimrat Kaur recently attended Diljit Dosanjh's Dil-Luminati Tour concert in Pune and shared a series of captivating photos and videos from the gig on Instagram. Her vibrant photo dump caught the attention of the Punjabi singer himself, who took to the comments section and playfully remarked, "Tusi Aeye c? Stage te aa jana c", meaning, "You were there at the concert? You should have come up on stage." Nimrat, clearly delighted by the experience and Dosanjh's reply to her post, responded, expressing her gratitude. She wrote, "that stage and spotlight belonged only and only to you!! I was so lucky to finally see you live. Thank you for your sheer brilliance." Check out their interaction below. ‘Hona Ni Main Recover’: Nimrat Kaur Dances Her Heart Out at the ‘BESTEST’ Diljit Dosanjh’s Dil-Luminati Concert in Pune (View Pics and Watch Videos).
Diljit Dosanjh's Comment on Nimrat Kaur's Post
Nimrat Kaur's Pics and Videos From Diljit Dosanjh's Gig in Pune
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