Tiger Shroff left his fans super impressed with their dhamakedar performance in Doha. The actor dropped a video in which he is seen showing off his dancing skills with actors Shahid Kapoor and Varun Dhawan. The trio delivered an electrifying performance at an event in Doha. The actor danced to the tune of "Hum Aaye Hain" from his upcoming film Ganapath, and alongside the video, he wrote the caption, 'What a crowd! Thank you, Doha,' which quickly went viral. His fans filled the comments section with beautiful comments, but it was Tiger's mother, Ayesha Shroff, whose reaction caught our attention. She expressed her reaction to her son Tiger's video by leaving many red heart emojis in the comments section. Tiger Shroff, Shahid Kapoor, and Varun Dhawan Set the Internet on Fire With Their Electrifying Dance Moves in Latest Instagram Video.

Check Out Tiger Shroff, Shahid Kapoor and Varun Dhawan's Video Here:


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