Congratulations are in order for Cheeni Kum's child actor Swini Khara, who recently said 'I do' to her fiancé Urvish Desai in a stunning ceremony held in Jaipur. The actress shared snippets from their special day on Insta, showcasing their joy and heartfelt connection as they performed the wedding rituals according to Hindu traditions. In the clip, while Swini looks radiant in a blush pink heavily embroidered wedding lehenga, Urvish complements her perfectly in a white sherwani. The glimpses from their D-day capture their infectious happiness and the genuine warmth of their union. Swini Khara and Urvish Desai Engaged: Cheeni Kum Actress Shares Unseen Pics From the Grand Engagement Ceremony.
Swini Khara Weds Urvish Desai:
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