Swara Bhasker recently hit back at trolls who criticised her post-marriage wardrobe choices, addressing the issue on social media. The actress shared a meme comparing two images of her: one in a traditional salwar-kurta with her head covered, alongside her husband, Fahad Ahmad, and Maulana Sajjad Nomani, and the other featuring her in glamorous outfits like dresses and an off-shoulder gown. The meme insinuated that she had become ‘conservative’ after marrying the politician. Bhasker responded, saying, “I didn’t realise my wardrobe choices post marriage are a national cyber debate (bizarre!).. Here are more pics of me post marriage to give Sanghi vermin more fodder for their dung 💩 Im sorry @FahadZirarAhmad doesn’t fit your stereotype of a conservative Muslim husband. Lol!” ‘Ultra Feminist’ Swara Bhasker Slammed for Meeting Maulana Sajjad Nomani Who Once Opposed Women’s Education As ‘Haram’.
Swara Bhasker Over Post-Marriage Outfit Choices
I didn’t realise my wardrobe choices post marriage are a national cyber debate (bizarre!).. Here are more pics of me post marriage to give Sanghi vermin more fodder for their dung 💩 Im sorry @FahadZirarAhmad doesn’t fit your stereotype of a conservative Muslim husband. Lol! pic.twitter.com/z5SshleHCB
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) November 20, 2024
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