On Sridevi's death anniversary, daughter Khushi Kapoor shared a nostalgic moment by posting a precious photograph featuring her late mother alongside herself and her sister Janhvi. Taking to her Instagram account, Khushi unveiled an endearing snapshot capturing Sridevi with baby Janhvi and Khushi. The timeless image showcases the late actress adorned in traditional attire, radiating elegance in a peacock blue saree, complemented by a neatly tied bun, sindoor, and two nose pins, accentuating her beauty. Meanwhile, baby Janhvi and Khushi exude cuteness in their pink outfits, their infectious smiles adding to the moment's charm. This precious picture is a delightful find that will resonate with fans and evoke fond memories of the iconic actress. Sridevi Death Anniversary: Boney Kapoor Posts Throwback Pics and Videos in Remembrance of His Late Wife.
Khushi Kapoor's IG Status:
Khushi Kapoor's Post (Photo Credits: Instagram)
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