Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif's Sooryavanshi is roaring at the ticket window. As the Rohit Shetty directorial has surpassed Rs 50 crore mark at the box office in just two days. The cop drama earned Rs 26.29 crore on day one and showed a little dip on day two (Bhai Dooj) by minting Rs 23.85 core. The total of the film now stands at Rs 50.14 crore. A lot of hopes were attached to this first mega-budget A-lister Bollywood film releasing on the big screens and seems like it's turning out to be a fruitful move. Sooryavanshi Box Office Collection Day 1: Akshay Kumar, Katrina Kaif’s Diwali Release Is a Blockbuster, Mints Rs 26.29 Crore.
Sooryavanshi Box Office Day 2:
#Sooryavanshi crosses ₹ 50 cr… SUPER-STRONG HOLD on Day 2… Slight dip in night shows vis-à-vis Day 1… Expect a BIGGG SCORE on Day 3, should comfortably cross ₹ 75 cr, may even touch ₹ 80 cr [+/-], PHENOMENAL… Fri 26.29 cr, Sat 23.85 cr. Total: ₹ 50.14 cr. #India biz. pic.twitter.com/35eSgW3QUg
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 7, 2021
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