Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are set to tie the knot on June 23. Recently, the actress shared several pictures on Instagram from what seems like a bachelorette party. And now as per a report by HT, Sonakshi and Zaheer Iqbal will host their haldi ceremony on June 20. About the pre-wedding function, a source was quoted as saying, “The haldi function will happen at Sonakshi’s new home in Bandra that she bought recently after leaving her parents’ house. It will be a tight setting with only close friends and family, and less than 50 people have been invited for the function, and that’s why they opted for Sona’s house as the venue.” The source also stated the pre-wedding festivities will be an intimate an affair, but the wedding reception will be a grand affair. “Of course they want to celebrate their happiness with their industry friends, so the reception will be big,” added the source. Swara Bhasker Reacts to Debate on Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal’s Wedding, Says ‘It’s Nobody’s Business’ (Watch Video).
Pre-Wedding Festivities Update Of Sonakshi & Zaheer
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