One of Bollywood's most loved comedy films, Son of Sardaar, starring Ajay Devgn, Sanjay Dutt, and Sonakshi Sinha, is coming back with a sequel. The movie, directed by Ashwni Dhir, also starred Juhi Chawla. As per the latest reports, actress Mrunal Thakur has joined the sequel and will replace Sonakshi Sinha in the comedy flick. Just days after these reports, a clip of the actress from the film's ongoing schedule in London has been leaked online. In the viral video, Mrunal Thakur could be seen slaying the traditional Punjabi Kudi look for Son of Sardaar2. The video captures Mrunal in a red suit paired with a yellow jacket and jewellery, unleashing her Punjabi avatar. ‘Son of Sardaar 2’: Mrunal Thakur Joins Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt in Upcoming Action-Comedy, Filming To Commence by End of July – Reports.
Leaked Video of Mrunal Thakur From ‘Son of Sardaar 2’ Shoot in London
Shooting of #SonOfSardaar2 already being.#MrunalThakur at the location...
— Movie⁵ times 🍿 𝕩 (@the_last_man00) July 22, 2024
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