The trailer for Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya, has finally arrived, offering a thrilling glimpse into this high-octane, action-packed drama. Set against the backdrop of the intense 1965 India-Pakistan Air War, the trailer introduces Akshay Kumar as a fierce Indian Air Force officer and debutant Veer Pahariya as his dedicated comrade. Tensions soar when Pahariya goes missing during a pivotal airstrike, prompting Kumar’s character to embark on a daring rescue mission, The clip also sees Sara Ali Khan, portraying the grieving wife of the missing Veer, while Nimrat Kaur and Sharad Kelkar make brief, blink-and-you'll-miss-it appearances. Directed by Sandeep Kelwani and Abhishek Kapur, Sky Force is slated for release on January 24, 2025. ‘Sky Force’: Trailer for Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya’s Aerial Actioner To Drop on THIS Date – View Motion Poster.

Watch 'Sky Force' Trailer:

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