Shraddha Kapoor has surpassed Priyanka Chopra on Instagram, with the Stree 2 actress now boasting 91.9 million followers, just edging out Priyanka’s 91.8 million. Recently, Shraddha also overtook Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Instagram follower count. It seems she’s now the second most followed celebrity on the platform, trailing only Virat Kohli, who has an impressive 270 million followers. Shraddha's growing social media presence reflects her immense popularity. Shraddha Kapoor Surpasses PM Narendra Modi on Instagram, ‘Stree 2’ Actress Becomes Third Most-Followed Indian With 91.4 Million Fans.

Shraddha Kapoor's IG 

Shraddha Kapoor IG (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Priyanka Chopra's IG

Priyanka Chopra's IG (Photo Credits: Instagram)

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