Shraddha Kapoor has overtaken Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Instagram, boasting 91.4 million followers compared to his 91.3 million. While PM Modi still leads globally on X (formerly Twitter) with over 101.2 million followers, The Stree 2 is now the third most-followed Indian on Instagram, trailing only Virat Kohli (271 million) and Priyanka Chopra (91.8 million). Other notable celebs include Alia Bhatt with 85.1 million followers and Deepika Padukone with 79.8 million. Kapoor's social media presence continues to soar, reflecting her immense popularity. ‘Stree 2’ Success Bash: Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao Celebrate Film’s Box Office Triumph (View Pics).

Shraddha Kapoor's Instagram 

Shraddha Kapoor (Photo Credits: Instagram)

PM Narendra Modi's Instagram

Narendra Modi (Photo Credits: Instagram)

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