There were reports doing rounds citing that Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Raj Kundra have landed in trouble after a Mumbai-based businessman accused Bollywood’s popular couple and Kaashif Khan, director of SFL Fitness Pvt Ltd, of allegedly duping him for Rs 1.51 crore. It was also reported that an FIR has been filed against the couple at Bandra police station after on the basis of complaint by Nitin Barai. The actress has posted a statement making a clarification on the same. She wrote, “Woke up to an FIR registered in Raj and my name! To set the record straight, SFL Fitness, a venture run by Kashiff Khan. He had taken naming rights of brand SFL to open SFL fitness gyms around the country.” She also wrote, “I have worked very hard over the last 28 years, and it pains me to see that my name and reputation is getting damaged and dragged so loosely, to get eyeballs.”

Complete Statement Issued By Shilpa Shetty Kundra

Shilpa Shetty Kundra's Statement (Photo Credits: Instagram)

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