Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their first child, a baby girl, on September 8. Since the joyous announcement, the new parents have been flooded with congratulatory messages. Adding to the celebrations, a video shared by a paparazzo shows Shah Rukh Khan arriving at the hospital to meet Deepika and her newborn. However, only his vehicle is visible in the footage, and SRK himself is not seen. Prior to Deepika’s admission at the HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai, the actress and her husband, and their families were spotted offering prayers and seeking blessings at the Siddhivinayak Temple. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Welcome Baby Girl; Mukesh Ambani Meets New Parents at HN Reliance Hospital (Watch Video).
Shah Rukh Khan Visits Deepika Padukone
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