On December 29, Shah Rukh Khan injured himself while boarding a jetty from Alibaug to Mumbai, as per Bollywood Society. The actor, carrying his pet dog, misjudged his step and accidentally hit his head on the yacht’s paraffin. It's believed that his black hoodie, which limited his vision, contributed to the mishap. Shah Rukh's bodyguard and team were quick to assist him, ensuring he was fine. While the injury appeared to be minor, fans were left worried after images of the incident surfaced, showing the actor in discomfort. He was seen wearing a black hoodie during the unfortunate event. Now the actor is back from Alibaugh and is fine. Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri Khan, and Suhana Khan Spotted Heading to Alibaug for Year-End Celebration (See Pics).
Shah Rukh Khan’s Jetty Accident Leads to Minor Injury, Hoodie Likely the Cause
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Shah Rukh Khan, AbRam and Gauri Khan
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