Shah Rukh Khan is renowned for his wit and charm. A video of the actor from Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding gala is currently going viral for allegedly disrespecting Ram Charan. Upasana Konidela’s makeup artist, Zeba, shared a post on her Insta Story, recounting how she walked out of the venue after witnessing the way SRK invited Ram onstage. She expressed her disappointment, stating, “Bhend idly vada Ram charan kahan hai tu??? I walked out after this. So disrespectful towards a star like @alwaysramcharan.” Ram Charan Dances Heartily With Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan at Anant Ambani–Radhika Merchant’s Pre-Wedding Gala and This Pic Is Proof!
Makeup Artist Zeba’s Post Accusing Shah Rukh Khan
Zeba Hassan, the makeup artist of #Upasana, who was present at the #AmbaniPreWedding event says she was hurt by the way #ShahRukhKhan invited #RamCharan onto the stage, referring 'Idly, Vada,' and walked out of the event.
What do you think of Bollywood stars normalizing and…
— Gulte (@GulteOfficial) March 4, 2024
The Viral Video Of SRK
"Idly vala Ramcharan kaha hai tu?"
Shame on #ShahRukhKhan for using such insulting words for Humble person like Ramcharan, It's insult of whole South Indian Community.
— MASS (@Freak4Salman) March 4, 2024
Watch The Video Below:
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