Salman Khan recently made headlines after a shooting that took place outside his residence in Mumbai. However, the culprits have been arrested by the police officials, allowing the actor to carry on with his professional commitments. The Bollywood superstar was recently in Dubai to attend an event organised by Karate Combat. A video from the event featuring Salman Khan with Sanjay Dutt's son Shahraan and Abdu Rozik is now emerging online. In the video, Salman Khan looked dashing in an all-black ensemble. The Bollywood superstar was seen introducing Shahraan to fighter Shahzaib Rind and also completed the fight. Shahzaib Rind took to his Instagram handle and shared the video of their conversation. Is Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2 Featuring Salman Khan in the Works? Here’s What Producer KK Radhamohan Has To Say (Watch Video).

Check Out the Video Here

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