Atlee made a phenomenal debut in Bollywood with the 2003 film Jawan starring Shah Rukh Khan. Reports of the Tamil director's collaboration with Salman Khan have been floating around the internet for quite some time. Now, the latest updates suggest that the project will feature two leads, one of whom will be Kamal Haasan. Yes, you heard that right! Salman Khan and Kamal Haasan are joining hands for a high-octane action film directed by Atlee. As per a report by Peepingmoon, a source close to the development said, "Salman and Atlee have been discussing a possible collaboration since last year. However, momentum picked up rapidly when the Jawan director picked Salman an idea of two-hero film." It was further revealed that Atee is waiting for Kamal Haasan's approval on the project to start the pre-production. Details regarding the plot are awaited. However, the pre-production is expected to commence in January next year. ‘Bigg Boss 18’: Salman Khan To Shoot Promo for NEW Season of the Reality Show? Here’s What We Know.

Salman Khan-Kamal Haasan Reportedly Join Atlee’s Action Film!

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