Lok Sabha member Supriya Sule expressed her concern over the shocking burglary attempt and attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan on Thursday (January 16). A video has surfaced online showing the politician speaking to Karisma Kapoor, Saif's sister-in-law, over a phone call and enquiring about the Devara star's health following the incident. For the uninformed, the NCP leader maintains a close bond with Saif Ali Khan's wife Kareena Kapoor's family. In the video, Sule could be seen speaking to Karisma over the phone in the presence of media and others in Baramati, Pune. In a video shared by ABP News on X (previously Twitter), the NCP-SP leader said that she was also informed that the actor was admitted to the hospital and is doing safe. During the call, she also asked Karisma to take care of herself and keep her posted about the latest developments.  Saif Ali Khan Stabbed 6 Times; Actor Injured After Robber Barges Into Bandra Home of Kareena Kapoor Khan and Him – Read Details.

Supriya Sule Calls Karisma Kapoor To Enquire About Saif Ali Khan’s Health Following Attack

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