Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh's Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani has managed to create a massive buzz, especially after its trailer release on July 4 (Tuesday). Recently, Raha's mom conducted a Q&A session on Instagram. One fan asked about her experience in Kashmir, in Chiffon sarees. Replying to the question, Alia opens up on post pregnancy shoot for ‘Tum Kya Mile’ song and wrote, "This was from the last day of the shoot. I look tired but satisfied! Going back to work as a new mom in any profession will never be easy. You feel various emotions all at once not to mention the major physical difference in your energy. But I am very grateful and feel very privileged and supported by a team and crew that was understanding. I feel for new mothers everywhere especially those who have to resume work immediately. Postpartum cause it's never easy. Vaibhavi mam would try to plan her shorts according to my nursing schedule and my mom and sister were babysitting whenever I was away!!! But it was my baby girl's first trip to Kashmir and seeing the mountains through her eyes was everything." We simply love how Alia is balancing her work and personal life. Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani Trailer: Ranveer Singh- Alia Bhatt’s Film Will Make You Fall in All Over Again! (Watch Video).

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Alia Bhatt (Photo Credits: Instagram)

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