On April 1, actor Ranganathan Madhavan launched the trailer of his ambitious directorial debut, Rocketry - The Nambi Effect. Playing the lead role in this biopic of former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan, Madhavan shares screen with Simran Bagga, while Shah Rukh Khan and Suriya Sivakumar have cameos in the film's Hindi and Tamil versions respectively. Shah Rukh Khan Makes Big-Screen Return With a Cameo in R Madhavan's ‘Rocketry’ and His Fans Go Crazy!
After launching the trailer, Madhavan shared a note of thanks and dedicated Fool's Day 2021 to those fools who were 'victims of their own patriotism'. He is taking digs at those who tried to bring Nambi Narayanan down, the latter to whom he paid a tribute in the same post.
Check Out His Tweet Below:
To Team Rocketry ❤️❤️🚀🚀#Rocketrythefilm 😘😘😘 pic.twitter.com/cPa63Lbey0
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) April 1, 2021
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