Bollywood stars Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor made a fashionable statement at the Red Sea Film Festival 2024 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Shraddha attended the screening of We Live In Time, featuring Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh, while Ranbir Kapoor graced the event for the screening of Heat. Shraddha said, "A proud moment. The fact that I was able to interact with so many people from here, who love Hindi movies, and they're so connected with Hindi films. It's a very proud moment for me to experience that and it's my first time here and it's I'm loving it. I'd always heard about it. That, you know, our Indian film industry is very popular and Saudi but you don't know it till you experience it firsthand and that's what I what happened today. So it was lovely amazing." On the other hand, Ranbir said, "Well, I think you know, any kind of Film Festival which comes and celebrates artists from all over the world, you know, celebrates their work. Uh you know there is a conversation about people's work around the world. This is my second time at the Red Sea, International Film Festival. The first year was amazing in the second year is also amazing. Uh you know looking forward to everything that comes out. All the people that they invite out here, it's really a good time." Red Sea International Film Festival 2024: Shraddha Kapoor and Andrew Garfield Pose Together on the Red Carpet at the Prestigious Event (View Pics).
Red Sea Film Festival 2024: Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor Talk Indian Cinema’s Growing Global Influence
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