Bollywood actor Ranvir Shorey took to the micro-blogging site today (December 28) and revealed that his 10-year-old son Haroon has been tested positive for coronavirus when both of them were returning from Goa. Further, he also added that he and his kid are asymptomatic and have quarantined themselves. He ended the tweet by adding, 'the wave is real'. Well, with the rise in COVID-19 cases in India, this is a sign that one should take the deadly virus seriously.
Ranvir Shorey:
My son Haroon and I were on holiday in #Goa, and during the routine RT-PCR testing for the flight back to Mumbai, he has turned out to be #Covid positive. We are both completely asymptomatic and have immediately quarantined until further investigations.
The wave is real. #India
— Ranvir Shorey (@RanvirShorey) December 28, 2021
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