After a deepfake AI-generated video of Ranveer Singh went viral, the actor shared a post on social media, cautioning, “deepfake se bacho dostonnn”. The video, taken during his recent visit to Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, depicted him purportedly criticising PM Narendra Modi, with an altered voice expressing political views. The actor’s spokesperson confirmed that an FIR has been filed for further investigation, stating, “Yes, we have filed the police complaint and an FIR has been lodged against the handle that was promoting the AI-generated deepfake video of Mr Ranveer Singh.” Ranveer Singh Reacts to His Viral Video Criticising PM Modi, Says ‘Deepfake Se Bacho Doston’.
Ranveer Singh Deepfake Row
#RanveerSingh #Deepfake
— NDTV (@ndtv) April 22, 2024
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