Mardaani actress Rani Mukerji is set to celebrate her 46th birthday on March 21, 2024. Ahead of this milestone, the actress was recently spotted in Mumbai, engaging in a pre-birthday celebration with the paparazzo. Adorned in a flowing white sheer outfit, she added a personalised touch with a neckpiece featuring the initials 'AD', symbolising her affection for her daughter, Adira. Completing her ensemble with stylish black sunglasses, Mukerji cut two generously sized birthday cakes, sharing the joyous occasion with the photographers who captured the moment. Watch the video of Rani Mukerji’s pre-birthday celebration below! Rani Mukerji Has Expressed Her Goal to Accurately Portray Women in Hindi Cinema.
Rani Mukerji's Pre-Birthday Celebration With Paps
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