Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are among Bollywood's most loved couples. Their loyal fans have now shifted their love to their baby girl, Raha Kapoor. Ever since the couple welcomed their little one in November 2022, fans have eagerly awaited the slightest glimpses of the cute star kid. On Sunday, August 18, Ranbir Kapoor was spotted visiting their under-construction house in Juhu, Mumbai. His daughter accompanied him for the outing. Ranbir rocked a casual look with a white t-shirt and printed shorts. On the other hand, Raha looked adorable in a blue dungaree with a white t-shirt inside. Videos of the father-daughter duo's latest outing are going viral on social media. On the front, Ranbir will be next seen in Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana alongside Sai Pallavi. The mythological film also stars Yash and Sunny Deol in key roles. ‘Animal’: Ranbir Kapoor’s Deleted Scene From Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Film Goes Viral; Fans Upset Over Its Exclusion (Watch Video).

Ranbir Kapoor’s Day Out With Daughter Raha Kapoor


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