It was a heartwarming game night for Ranbir Kapoor and his adorable daughter, Raha Kapoor, on Tuesday (January 14). The actor was spotted enjoying a precious moment with Raha at a private sports padel court ground in Mumbai. In videos shared by various paparazzi accounts, Ranbir was seen engaging in some playful moments with Raha near a tennis court. Raha, dressed in a cute white shirt and pants, was full of energy as she ran around, chatting with her dad, while Ranbir cheered her on. At one point, Raha tripped and fell, but she quickly got back up, showing resilience. Ranbir, being the doting father he is, rushed to her side, picking her up and gently rubbing her knee where she had fallen. The two shared a sweet smile and continued their fun outing. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s Daughter Raha Kapoor Enjoys Precious Moments With Her Parents (Watch Video).
Ranbir Kapoor and Daughter Raha Kapoor Share a Delightful Game Night in Mumbai
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