Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are all set to tie the knot today (February 21) in Goa. The pre-wedding festivities commenced with full swing and a few pictures and videos from the events are going viral on the internet. In this eye-catchy video clip, Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Raj Kundra steal the show with their dance moves to a popular Punjabi track. Their dynamic performance onstage, set to the iconic beats of “Mundian To Bach Ke” song, adds an electrifying touch to the festivities, leaving guests enthralled by their energy and enthusiasm. Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani Wedding: Couple to Take Pheras After 3 PM Today – Reports.

The Kundras At Rakul & Jackky’s Sangeet Ceremony


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