Newlyweds Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have once again grabbed attention with their recent outing. The two recently stepped out for a dinner date and were seen exiting a restaurant in Bandra. The couple twinned in white as they walked together, moving towards their car. While Rakul wore a white full-sleeved dress, Jackky looked stylish in a white shirt and blue denim jeans. The two got inside their car, and Jackky Bhagnani was seen smiling and posing for the paparazzi from his car before finally leaving the venue. Check out the video below! Rakul Preet Singh Looks Party Ready in Black and Golden See-Through Dress; Check Out Glam Pics of the Actress!
Rakul Preet Singh And Jackky Bhagnani On A Dinner Date - WATCH
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