Rajpal Yadav has entertained audiences with his iconic comic roles in several Bollywood film films including Bhagam Bhag, Dhol, Phir Hera Pheri, and Bhool Bhulaiyaa, among others. The actor also ventured into direction with the film Ata Pata Lapataa in 2012. He also produced it under the banner Shree Naurang Godavari Entertainment Limited. As per reports, the actor had mortgaged his property in Shahjahanpur to secure a loan of INR 11 crore to produce the film. The Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 actor had taken the loan from the Central Bank of India's Mumbai branch. However, due to non-payment of the loan, the Central Bank of India reportedly seized the property on August 8. As per a report by India Today, the team from the bank's Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) branch reached Shahjahanpur on August 8 and sealed the property situated in the Seth Enclave area. Luv Ki Arrange Marriage Movie Review: Sunny Singh and Avneet Kaur's Romcom Has No Business of Being This Unfunny! (LatestLY Exclusive).

Rajpal Yadav’s Shahjahanpur Property Seized

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