Raj Kapoor, a legendary actor, director, and producer, was famously known as The Greatest Showman of Indian Cinema. His grandson, Ranbir Kapoor, recently shared his vision of making a biopic about the National Award-winning icon. Speaking at the 55th International Film Festival of India, Ranbir was asked about any plans to create a film on his late grandfather. He revealed, “I have thought about this a lot and discussed it with various filmmakers, including Sanjay Leela Bhansali, to know how to make a film on him. In a biopic, you can’t just highlight the success factor or the highs in a person’s life. You should show the lows, struggles and relationship dynamics too. It’s a very tough biopic to make; I don’t know if my family would agree to most of it (the things to be portrayed). But it'll definitely make into a great movie.” Ranbir Kapoor Announces Raj Kapoor Film Festival at IFFI 2024, Shares ‘Kisi Ki Muskurahaton Pe’ Was First Song He Played for Daughter Raha.
Ranbir Kapoor on Raj Kapoor Biopic
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