Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are revelling in the joy of raising their daughter, Malti Marie, who graced their lives in January 2022. Recently, a heartwarming photograph surfaced on social media, capturing Priyanka holding Malti close during a night out in Dubai, with Nick standing by their side. Shared by Priyanka's manager on Instagram Stories, the snapshot exudes happiness as Priyanka shines in a chic black outfit, cradling Malti, who looks adorable in white. With a heart emoji gently concealing Malti's face, the trio and her manager complete a picture-perfect family moment against the stunning backdrop of Dubai's night skyline. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' Daughter Malti Marie Turns 2! See Adorable Photos From the 'Little Angel's' Elmo-Themed Birthday Celebration.

Priyanka Chopra With Her Family And Manager 

Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas and Malti Marie (Photo Credits: X)

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