Rashmika Mandanna recently travelled on Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewri-Nhava Sheva Atal Setu bridge in Mumbai. Taking to her social media page, the Pushpa 2 actress urged everyone to vote for development, showering praise on the infrastructural marvel that has been built. She said that the bridge has helped reduce travel travel time from two hours to twenty minutes. Just hours after the video post was shared, PM Modi reacted to it on his X (previously Twitter) handle. Resharing Rashmika Mandanna's post, the PM replied, "Absolutely! Nothing more satisfying than connecting people and improving lives." Rashmika Mandanna Is the Epitome of Sunshine in a Yellow Bikini, Paired With a Chic Crocheted Wrap Skirt for an Exclusive and Glamorous Photoshoot (View Pics).

Check Out PM Modi’s X Post Here

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