Bollywood actor Parvin Dabas met with a road accident in Bandra West, Mumbai, early Saturday (September 21) morning. He was driving alone when the crash took place around 5:30 am, as he was returning home from a shoot. According to The Times of India, Dabas is stable and able to talk but has been experiencing acute pain in his back and knees. As per the Police, no FIR has been filed. Fortunately, there are no injuries to his face or head, and his vital signs remain stable. "Mr Dabas has undergone MRI, sonography, and several X-rays. He is stable and able to talk, but he has been experiencing acute pain in his back and knees since his admission. Fortunately, there are no injuries to his face or head, and there is no external bleeding. His vital signs are also stable," hospital sources told Zoom. Parvin Dabas Health Update: Preeti Jhangiani Shares That Her Husband Has ‘Serious Concussion’ After Car Accident.
Actor Parvin Dabas out of Danger
#PreetiJhangiani's Husband #ParvinDabas Is Safe And Talking, Details From Hospital | #EXCLUSIVE@parvindabas, @bomanirani, @AnupamPKher
— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) September 21, 2024
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