Actress Parineeti Chopra has been grabbing headlines ever since she got married to politician Raghav Chadha. On September 24, the couple exchanged wedding vows in Udaipur in the presence of their family members and close friends. The actress, since then, has been treating fans with beautiful glimpses from her wedding and pre-wedding festivities, leaving fans in awe. And, recently, Parineeti shared a video showing all the fun that the bride and groom's family members and their friends had while enjoying their 'not-so-traditional' wedding rituals that included musical chairs, lemon, spoon race, cricket match and much more. Alongside the clip, the Ishaqzaade actress wrote, “Creating new traditions for weddings… no stress, no drama… just enjoying each other and our families and celebrating our love - Chopras vs Chadhas.” Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha Look Perfect Together In This Pic From Their Wedding Reception!
Check Out Parineeti Chopra's Post here:
Creating new traditions for weddings… no stress, no drama… just enjoying each other and our families and celebrating our love - Chopras vs Chadhas ♥️🏏🤼♂️
— Parineeti Chopra (@ParineetiChopra) October 2, 2023
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