Parineeti Chopra, accompanied by her husband and AAP leader Raghav Chadha, paid a visit to Mumbai's Siddhivinayak Temple on a Friday afternoon (May 24) adorned in vibrant traditional attire. Amidst the flashing cameras, both graciously greeted the paparazzi with folded hands. The couple, who tied the knot in September the previous year, radiated a serene aura as they entered the temple premises. Chadha, having returned from London following a preventive eye surgery, appeared composed alongside Parineeti. Parineeti Chopra’s Husband Raghav Chadha Faces Potential Blindness, Undergoes Major Eye Surgery in London, UK.

Parineeti Chopra and Her Husband Raghav Chadha Visit Siddhivinayak Temple

Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)

Raghav And His Wife Parineeti 

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