Bollywood's power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are set to become parents soon! The couple is expecting their first child later this month. As per reports, the couple visited a church in Mumbai to seek blessings for their upcoming journey as parents. Now, a video of the couple arriving at the Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai is going viral. The couple's visit comes just a day before the grand Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations commence in the city. In the video shared by the paparazzi handle, we could see the couple cheerfully greeting the temple officials and fans as they arrived at the venue. Mom-to-be Deepika Padukone looked gracious in a green saree with a matching blouse, while her hubby Ranveer Singh wore a white kurta pyjama. Deepika Padukone’s Maternity Photoshoot: Mom-To-Be Cradles Her Baby Bump As She Poses With Hubby Ranveer Singh (See Pics).
Pregnant Deepika Padukone and Hubby Ranveer Singh Seek Blessings at Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai
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